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A competition to make the magic of Christmas shine

The Saint-Martin Tourist Office is relaunching this year the Christmas Lighting Competition. This year, the Christmas decorations competition aims to make the eyes of visitors and residents of Saint-Martin shine. This initiative, rooted in the local culture, has not taken place for the last fifteen years.

Imagine the island adorned with its most beautiful lights when the magical period of Christmas begins. Making visitors and residents dream is the objective of the French Tourist Office. This event, which has existed for several decades in Saint-Martin, was stopped about fifteen years ago. For this first edition in 15 years, the Tourist Office has chosen Monique Joe as “Patron” of this event with her mother Bernardine, they have been welcoming visitors for over forty years in their house at Cripple Gate, transformed for a few weeks into a real Christmas den. The outdoor illuminations and the interior decorations created with passion by the two women have made the Santa Claus House a magical and unmissable attraction over the years.

This year, residents on the French side will attempt to decorate their houses or boats and compete in a friendly competition. Three categories are offered: private houses or apartment, boats and villages.In complement of the 1st, 2nd and 3rd prizes, there will be 2 special awards to be granted for this edition : “Special Tradition” and a “Public’s Choice”. Participants will be evaluated between November 24th to December 5th by a jury of 5 people, on the general appearance, layout, decorations, originality, use of color, shape and composition, variety, repetition, the sound, and the lights.

Let’s decorate and long live the magic of Christmas!




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