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A conference on health, education of the future, art and brain

The non-profit organization Art For Science, in partnership with FOCUS, is organizing next April 15th a day dedicated to the powers of art on the brain, in the presence of the World Health Organization. Conferences on the benefits of art on the brain and special art works exhibitions are scheduled for this unique event which aims at bringing together the general public, artists, the medical community and schools.

Art For Science at the United Nations in Geneva © Capture Corp
Art For Science at the United Nations in Geneva © Capture Corp

Contemplating works of art is a good way to stay healthy, to fight against many symptoms and many diseases and even to get out of poverty! Those are part of the messages Art For Science, a non-profit organization created in 2019, would like to convey. This NGO, dedicated to giving access to the benefits of art on health, education and poverty was created by Mélanie Dal Gobbo and Thomas Roubira. Its first goal was to pay tribute to the neuroscientists who allowed the amputation of Thomas Roubira’s left brain in 2014, giving him a new breath of life until October 22nd. A minute of silence at each 2023 event will be held in his memory. “Our mission is to tell and transmit the powers of art on the brain, while funding neuroscientific research”, Melanie Dal Gobbo, based in St.Martin for 3 years, explains. “Our interventions give the keys to understanding the functioning of the brain and allow to use art for its painkiller, anti-depressant and anti-anxiety effects, but also to fight against school absenteeism and aggressivity, and to boost self-esteem, empathy, confidence, self-reliance and a healthy diet.”

Thomas Roubira and Mélanie Dal Gobbo, co-founders of Art For Science
Thomas Roubira and Mélanie Dal Gobbo, co-founders of Art For Science © Capture Corp


The FOCUS team has chosen to join Art for Science in the organization of a unique event in St. Martin. On April 15th, on the occasion of the International Art Day, we are inviting the general public, artists of the island, the medical community, but also the education community and non-for-profit organizations of the territory to join us for an unprecedented and powerful opportunity. The announcement of the venue is yet to come. A big conference is organized by Art for Science with two special guests, Isabelle Wachsmuth from the World Health Organization and Karima Kahlaoui, neuropsychologist from Montreal, who will unveil the benefits of art on her patients who are suffering from severe mental health issues and are convicted of serious crimes or offences, in order to make the general public understand the benefits of art on the brain, even in the most extreme cases, to convince the most skeptical ones. A great exhibition on the brain will also be offered, part of the sales will be donated to research.

In order to prepare this event, a "neuro-artists encounter" is scheduled on January 14th at La Samanna for artists of St.Martin. Painters, sculptors, photographers and mosaicists can register for this training session which will allow them to discover in more detail the missions of the organization, but also to have videoconference exchanges with a neuroscientist, member of the Art For Science family. Following this meeting, artists who want it will be invited to create one or more works in relation to what they will have learnt. These pieces will be exhibited and available for sale during the event on April 15th.


Facebook: @artforscience


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