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Andromache for dummies : the Greek tragedy shaken up

In February, the company of Les Apatrides presents « Andromaque pour les nuls » at the La Chapelle theater. A classic play that the acting company is revamping to share with us their love of tragedy.

Oreste loves Hermione, who loves Pyrrhus, who loves Andromache, who wants to protect her son Astyanax while staying true to the souvenir of her husband Hector, killed by Achille in a one-on-one fight during the Trojan War. As in most classical texts, the plot is not quite simple. It is thus a bit of a challenge for the company of Les Apatrides who has chosen to present on stage this famous Greek tragedy by Racine. It was without counting on the nudge provided by stage director Audrey Duputié who decided to introduce two narrators in the play. Thanks to humor and vulgarization, they help the spectator dive in the play. The understanding of the dialogues turns out to be easier and the language is even more beautiful. The only thing left is to let oneself get carried away by the beauty of the classical text and by the emotion exuded by the characters played by the talented acting company. Not-to-be-missed for theatre lovers!

« Andromache for dummies »

Théâtre La Chapelle, Orient Bay

Friday February 11th and Saturday February 12th, 7:3OPM

Friday February 18th and Saturday February 19th, 7:3OPM

New dates: Friday March 04th and Saturday March 5th, 7:3OPM

Entrance: adults 18€, children under 12 years old 14€

Tickets :

Mise en scène : Audrey Duputié

Avec : Perrine Laffranchi - Clément Borioli

Aurélie Dubuis - Alexandre Ménard

Audrey Duputié - Erwan Trotel

Marie-Pierre Crespo - Elisabeth Rolland


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