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Gianfranco Segatto : “I am self-taught”

Every month, a key player in the world of culture shares his or her experience with us in a more personal interview format. This month, it’s the musician Gianfranco Segatto.

Gianfranco Segatto Photo : Manuel Diego Van Der Landen

Tell us about… your first contact with music

“I started music at 11 years old. My brother gave me a guitar and I learned it by myself. I only took lessons for a year. I’m self-taught. Then I joined a punk rock band, then a hard rock band.”

… your first important performance

“For my first big stage, we did the opening of an American band at the Sports Palace in Milan.”

… your most beautiful memory

“It was in Toronto, Canada, during my first concert with Umberto Tozzi (I have accompanied him for 10 years on his tours). There were 22,000 people, it was sold out. I hadn’t realized it was such a big room. When I went on stage, my legs were slightly shaking (laughs)! I kept thinking, “no mistakes, no mistakes” ...”

… your greatest achievement

“It’s to always keep on playing! I do gigs, I record, I create my own music. I’m enjoying myself. ”

… your other passions

“I used to do a lot of water skiing. Every day. I loved it. I thought I was good, but when I wanted to compete in the United States, I realized that I was far from meeting the pre-requisites to just apply (laughs)”

…. your current news

“I play on Fridays with Bobby Jagger at Hole in the Wall and on Saturdays at Sonesta with Lee Hardesty. I also regularly play solo at Tortuga, and on Sundays at Emilio’s restaurant. Every first Sunday of the month, I’m at Café Rembrandt with Tres Hombres.”

... your projects

“I have a British pop rock duo with Lee Hardesty called Karma Killswitch and we’re releasing our second EP. We still have one song to finish but the first tunes are already available on streaming platforms. We both compose the music and Lee writes the lyrics. We have had the bass and drums recorded at home in Italy. At the moment we don’t play our songs live but I hope it can be done someday.”


Instagram : @gianfraguitar


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