From April 11th to April 15th, the CCISM is organizing a week for artists: 5 days devoted to artistic guidance, that is explained more specifically by Luciana Raspail, Administrative and business support manager.
What is the objective of the Artist Week which will take place from April 11th to April 15th in the presence of the national institution La Maison des Artistes?
Luciana Raspail: The idea is to promote the artist activity as a 100% economic activity. It has been a year now since the CCISM has been to the Maison des Artistes in Paris to establish initial contact and define how a partnership could be set up. Last summer, we ran a census of artists on the island. A little over 95 artists came forward. This has validated our wish to accompany them in the structuring of their activity. From April 11th to April 15th, we will welcome for the first time a representative of the Maison des Artistes who will be accompanied by a consultant of the La Condamine organization. This event will gather round tables, individual meetings, group meetings and workshops.
What issues will be addressed?
During the group meetings, we will cover the topics of registration, financial aid as well as social contributions. We will also try to give artists some keys to live from their art, to work internationally or to find new customers. The round table will allow a reflection on the activity of being an artist in Saint-Martin. By the end of the week, the workshops will focus on more specific topics: create one’s portfolio and an artist resume, manage an Instagram account… The Artist Week will end on Saturday with the event organized by Art For Science on Art and health with the presence of the WHO and of which we are partners.
What shape will take the accompaniment of artists on the island after this specific week?
One of our objectives is to define a structure, a specific contact on the territory who could be the link with the Maison des Artistes. The reflections we will have at the round table will help identify potential difficulties and to work afterwards with the right institutions to find solutions to the different issues of local artists.
« The cultural economy is currently lying fallow in Saint-Martin. It is the CCISM ‘s purpose to organize and structure this field which is linked to tourism, and to help artists better understand the economic power they have at stake in their hands. »
Angèle DORMOY, president of the CCISM